Monday, January 30, 2012

being content

Growing up, I have always had a weakness with wanting to be in the next stage of my life. For instance, in middle school, I could not wait to bolt out of my small private school and go to a new school. Then once I got to that new school, I realized I missed my old school and those friends. Then, all four years I spent in high school, I kept wishing upon college. And I hate having to admit to this, but even while I have been here in college I have been wishing for living the "young adult" life- meeting a future husband one day, planning our wedding, where we would live, where we would travel, what jobs we would have. And the invention of Pinterest just egged on all of my wishes and my desires for that next stage of my life.  Over Christmas break, Jesus brought that to my attention of what I was doing. I was letting my plans cover up His mysterious plans for me, that only He knows. And I have to be honest, it was really hard for me to admit to. I slowly started distancing my time on Pinterest, because it was where the Devil was attacking me. I realized, just a year ago I was wishing for this stage in my life of college and independence. Jesus told me, "Kathryn, stop wishing your life away." And to be honest with you, I was in denial of it for many years. Family and friends would tell me I was always believing the grass is greener somewhere else. I would not dare believe them though. My mind was in the habit of always seeing something and wanting that for my life.

After I accepted what I was doing wrong, I instantly went to God. He was the only one who could heal and forgive me from these years of sin. I started praying I would learn how to live in the moment and how to be content with where He has me in life. 
Well, today, a few weeks after I started praying... I found my wishes were turned into prayers!! When I would see others at a different stage in their life than mine, instead of wishing or being jealous, I was saying "I pray for when that time comes in my life."
He also showed me today I can be content with where I am in life, even if everything seems stressful and never ending. The next four days of my life are jammed packed. Not just with busy stuff to do, but also with heavy situations and major studying. It stresses me out if I try to think about it all by myself, but I am not. I am thinking about it with God getting me through it all. And that brings me joy and peace. And whats beautiful about it all for me, I am not wishing to be past these four days already. I am thankful for where I am. In the middle of it all. He is in control and He will not leave me. He will give me the strength to get through these days. I will learn from these days. My hope is in Him. 
I'm not saying its bad to think about the future, but when we think about the future, lets start praying about it. Not wishing for our own plans, but instead praying for HIS plans. That we will follow Him, wherever He leads us to. That we will trust.
Lets live in the moment! Lets be content with where we are in life. Lets look for the happiness and joy God has in store for us at this very moment and on this very day. 

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3


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