For such a small five letter word, faith has a huge meaning. Not only does it have a definition meaning, it is how we as followers of Christ must live. We must have faith in Jesus Christ and we must live by our faith in Him.
Back in the fifth grade we were given an assignment in english to write a poem about faith. I remember at the time thinking I don't even know how to write a poem and I for sure don't even understand what faith means. I do not exactly know what I wrote about that day, but maybe I can come across it in my memory box back home. But what I do clearly remember- realizing in fifth grade that faith has a huge meaning. I tried understanding it, but I could never wrap my brain around the word faith. This problem did not just come with the word faith, it came with other short words like love, joy, and peace.
For this past week, Christ has really put the word faith on my heart. Not just as a simple word, but He has provided me with a time I must have faith in Him. And I cannot just say I have faith and go on not living any differently. I must live by my faith in Him. It is so easy at times for me to say I believe in Jesus and still do things my way. But who am I to say that and then not change my ways. Because how I used to live, I would try to figure out ways for me to help Jesus out. I lacked the faith that He can do all things, I believed He needed my help and my ideas. I so easily would not give Him enough time to accomplish what He was doing. So therefore, I would jump in. I look back and see my faith lacked in Him at times. Well, right now for a situation I am currently going through, Christ has called me to be still and to be patient. And while I am still and while I am patient, I am putting my faith in Him. And I must truly believe in my faith for Him. Let me tell you, it is hard to be still and to be patient. When the world's way is right at your fingertips, it would be so much easier. But it would be easier only for that moment. Because the world's way is temporary. It will only harm me down the road. And I have to remind myself of that every morning I wake up as God has called me during this time to be still and patient. For even though right now it may seem harder, His ways are everlasting. His ways will bring me satisfaction. Only is it that His ways can bring me pure joy.
He has also been teaching me how to have faith in Him through my prayers. When I meet someone and see their potential in Jesus, my heart begins to care for them. I begin to pray for them. Right now, there has been two people Christ has really placed on my heart. I have been praying for one for the past few months and the other for several years. There are so many times I want to see what Christ is doing in their lives. To see if my prayers are working. But no, right now Jesus has called me to pray for them. That is all. And I must trust He is doing according to His will for them. I am not Jesus, I cannot do to them what Jesus can. I must wait and ask God to use me as a light to them when the time comes. I must believe in His works and in His timings. My prayers must be backed up with faith in Him. So right now, I am learning as I go. As He continues to place these prayers on my heart, I am also praying my faith in Him will be firm.
So as Jesus has called me to be still, every single day I have to wake up and make the choice that I will continue to be still in Him. To be still and to let Him do His work. All I can do is pray and have faith in Him. And I do y'all. I truly do. And let me tell you, I am so thankful I do. I am thankful He has given me the opportunity to put my faith and trust in Him. I am thankful for everything He is teaching me.
I encourage you to ask Christ for a time to be still and patient in Him. Ask Him to bring a time to test your faith in Him. He will allow you to grow in so many ways through standing firm in your faith in Him.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
stillness and patience
3:36 PM
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It is by faith you stand firm.
2 Corinthians 1:24
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