Tuesday, March 13, 2012

overcoming stress

     How many times do we let the world and society bring unwanted stress upon us? Many times I feel as if the world is pulling me down, purposefully making me seem stress. We must stop letting the world win that battle. Satan knows when we become stress he can enter our lives, letting that weakness overcome us.
     Each day we wake up, stress can be knocking at our door. And we can make the choice to open it or not. We let it in so easily when we wake up forgetting about God and going straight into our activities. To acknowledge God, it can be a simple, "Good morning! God please guide me through this day." I am a strong believer in acknowledging God's Presence because it opens our hearts up for Him to come into our day and guide us.  I completely understand when the mornings get so hectic and we don't have time to sit down for an hour of quite time. But from experiences in the past, there is such a difference in my busy days when I acknowledge Him and when I forget to. When I acknowledge Him and ask for His guidance throughout the day, it brings peace among me in each activity. How many days have you woken up thinking it will be impossible to complete what has to be done? Are those the days you don't want to get out of bed because you don't want to face the world? Well, those days can be over!
     A recent week in my life: This past week of school was one of the most stressful weeks I have had this semester. I had mandatory events in my extracurricular activities- sorority, work, and younglife- along with three big tests. On Sunday, it would have been so easy to go ahead and give up on the week, looking at it as impossible. However, I knew God was going to get me through it, just like He has gotten me through everything else in life. I took everything as it came, when it came. Each morning I woke up, before even thinking what had to be done, I asked God to get me through the day. There were a couple mornings I had the time to spend a good few hours with Him and then there were a few days I did not. Even on the days I did not, I acknowledged Him and kept in constant communication with Him. He brought peace throughout each day and each event.
     I also want you to know, the past two months of my life, I have been acknowledging Him everyday. And I rejoice! It is such a blessing! Throughout my life, I have always known Him everyday, but what I did not do- was acknowledge Him everyday. And those days were way more than they should be. It is a such a gift that I have Jesus to help me through each day. There is a gift waiting for you each morning you wake up. Are you going to open the gift? Are you going to let yourself acknowledge God to get you through the day? Please do! And when you do, look forward to each day because He will never fail you.
     Starting in the middle of high school when my parents gave me the devotional, Jesus Calling, I began to make it a habit to read that one paragraph each morning before rushing out the door. Even on the mornings I was running late, I paused to make myself 45 seconds later. Each day it helped me become aware of God's presence. Continuing that habit for two years ended up effecting my life. Not only did He teach me something each day, God showed me the importance of needing to spend time with Him and acknowledging Him before going on into the day. Because when I don't acknowledge His presence, I begin to live in the world. And the world's way is a sinful place that can tear me into pieces. The world makes things in life look impossible, but God makes them possible.
     So, I ask you, where are you today? Have you been living in stress? Are you knowing God is there or are you acknowledging Him? I believe there is a huge difference between knowing and acknowledging. Acknowledging lets God come in and work through things.
     My prayer is for us to acknowledge God before we start the day and to stay in continuous communication with Him throughout the day. It is through acknowledging God everyday and staying in communication with Him everyday when we overcome stress. It is not just a one time choice, it is an everyday choice we get to make! Help yourself out today... open the gift God has given you, let Him help you today!

O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.
Isaiah 33:2

lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26


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