Friday, January 27, 2012


What is it in your life that brings you happiness? No, the question is not what makes your friends happy nor is it asking what makes your family happy. The question is what makes you happy? Are you living the life you love?
This past Christmas I got a present from my younger cousins. It was a simple car smell good to hang over my rearview mirror. On it said, "Live the life you love." Ever since opening that a month ago, I have found myself repeating that quote over and over. By repeating it, Jesus began to challenge me. It became less of a statement and more of a question. "Kathryn, are you really living the life you love?" Several days, maybe even weeks, I woke up struggling with the question. Am I doing what I love? or Am I doing what other people love?  Praying through those questions and trying to discover the answer, Jesus kept pushing me through each day. Then, the statement that became a question went back to a statement, "Kathryn, don't be afraid to live the life you love." That was it! Jesus gave me the strength and the answer. I have been afraid to live the life that I love. After several days repeating "Kathryn, don't be afraid to live the life you love," Jesus gave me the strength to write down what it is that brings me true happiness. So, I wrote my list. Just by writing down what brings me happiness, made me happy. The things on my list, I saw would not fit on everyone's, its because I am different. We are all different. I was able to realize... I had been trying to find happiness in the world of others. But what about myself? What about the person Christ had created me to be? So I am now working on living the life Christ has planned for me and doing what it is that will bring me happiness. Such as this blog. I wanted a place I can just express my thoughts, share what I go through, share Christ's love.. being able to write brings me happiness. So I am going to invest in this blog as it brings me happiness.

Make note of what brings you happiness and start doing it.
Don't be afraid to stand out and be different. After all, it's your life God has created for you, so make it y'alls, not theirs.
Smile. Always smile. Even if it might seem like everything is going wrong, SMILE. Because God is working within you and He has something instore. Smile... its contagious. I dare you to try.

Proverbs 15:13
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.


  1. you are literally amazing :) i love you and i love that you are doing this.
